
Civilization, what an interesting word; one definition of civil is ‘in accordance with organized society’ and the most popular synonym is ‘polite’.   In my limited reading, most actions taken to reach civilized societies are in fact not civil at all, especially when one takes into account the environment and other peoples.  Once societies achieve civilization, there must be acceptable outlets for uncivilized behavior (anthropologists might call it counter culture).  If people don’t have these outlets, people find many ways to be uncivil.

To be civilized is to gain many things.  I really like all of my electronics these days. However, with something gained, something is always lost.  Through civilization we have lost touch with a wild aspect of human nature.  Sure there are many ways to find it again, but, you must seek it.  Or, learn about it rearing its’ ugly head. Are humans really civil? If so, how often? What do we miss out on in trying to be civil? How can we find that again?

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